Friday 28 September 2012

Clay Facial Mask

Just the other day a friend asked that I recommend her with a facial mask that would help with her breakouts, while still paying attention to price. Immediately I had something in mind, but, 1) it was late and I didn’t want to rush with explaining; what it was, what it can do and how it can help. 2) I wanted to make sure that there wasn’t anything else that could potentially help her. However, I decided I decided to stick with my first thought and suggested a clay mask. 

Clays or mud have been around for centuries and are the oldest beauty treatments that are still commonly used today. Clay is used to deep cleanse the skin and when used, it draws out oils, surface impurities and dead skin cells, leaving a soft and smooth difference. Clay can also be used on your hair as a deep treatment under a steamer or towel set for 30mins. You can purchase clay from all natural food stores or a pharmacy.

How to:
2 tablespoons Natural Clay
1-2 tablespoons Distilled Water (give or take)
Spread the mixture on clean skin and leave for 15-20 minutes until dry. Rinse with warm water followed by cool water. Pat your skin dry.

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