Saturday 15 September 2012

Food that helps soothe Eczema

* I am neither a doctor nor dietitian. Please consult your doctor before taking anything suggested


Yogurt can actually increase the good bacteria in your body and reduce the itching and burning that come along with eczema. Just be sure to choose a low-fat, low-sugar yogurt, since sugar is known to aggravate itchy episodes. This may include; fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt which is filled with sugar and in some cases high fructose corn syrup. Also, you may want to consider taking a probiotic supplement instead of dairy since it's linked to causing acne.


You should already know that fish, especially Salmon, is good for your heart health and complexion. It is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is especially helpful for me people who suffer from eczema.Sticking to fresh fish will benefit you more, since canned fish is filled with sodium and has half the omega-3's and DHA of a fresh fish. However, try and eat fish in moderation. Some fish is very high in mercury, which can become very toxic if eaten on a consistent basis. If your a vegetarian trade the fish for algae oil supplement.

Dietary Hempseed oil:

Hemp seed oil is pressed from the seeds of non-drug cannabis, which means it does not contain THC. Hemp seed oil is packed with protein and anti-inflammatory omega-3's. It has been shown to improve the itching and dryness and also helps with the hydration of the skin, when used on a regular basis and over a period of time. You can use hempseed oil on salads or mixed into hummus or smoothies, be sure to keep it refridgerated and not to use it as a cooking oil.

Evening Primrose oil (supplements):

In most recent studies evening primrose oil has been found to reduce itching, swelling and redness. This oil contains something called gamma-linlenic acid, which is an omega-6 fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties. Taking 320-480mg/day, 3-4 times throughout the day can actually help relieve eczema.

*Don't take if you have a serious seziure disorder and if you are planning on going under general anesthesia 2 weeks priors due to possible increased risk of stroke. Always ask a doctor before taking any new supplements.

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