Tuesday 3 July 2012

Essential Fatty Acids

I spoke to you about foods that will bring on acne, but what about the foods that will keep them away? It is said that defects in the body’s metabolism of Essential Fatty Acids may play a big role in acne. Linoleic acid, Alpha-Linoleic acid and Omega-3’s can help that. Adding these essential fatty acids will also help you maintain a soft and supple complexion and prevent the appearance of wrinkling and rashes.

Linoleic acid
ü  Needed to suppress inflammatory effects of the white blood cells involved in acne
ü  Found in all vegetable oils and meats
ü  Your body cannot produce it on its own
ü  You must supply it orally-by your diet (*food)
ü  Including 1-2 tablespoons per day of linoleic acid can greatly lower your chances of breakouts
ü  Eat: flaxseed, walnuts, canola oils, soybeans.
ü  Eat foods fortified from flaxseed: soy beverages, fruit juices, yogurt and omega-3 eggs

*To get this all-in-one try adding “Udo’s Choice oil blend” to your diet.

Alpha-Linoleic Acid
ü  Effective in preventing dryness and irritation in the skin
ü  Eat: soybeans, tofu, flaxseed, canola oil, olive oils and walnuts

ü  Can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol
ü  Reduce the risk of blood clots and strokes
ü  Acts as an anti-inflammatory
ü  Reduce the redness and burning associated with UV exposure
ü  Lowers risk of certain types of skin cancers
ü  Eat: Salmon, Sardines,  anchovies, flaxseed/flaxseed oil, walnuts, and almonds

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