Tuesday 3 July 2012

Before you reach for that burger, grab the pizza!

I just recently took into account that tomatoes are extremely good for you. Tomatoes are very high in lycopene and probably have a lot more than any other fruits or vegetables. Lycopene are effective in preventing sunburns and UV radiation damage (which you know can cause skin cancer) in the skin. Eating a little as 20g a day can reduce risk of sunburn by as much as 33 percent (Feed your face, 2008).

If you’re not that much of a fan of tomatoes, you can also get your lycopene in by having:
·         1 slice of pizza (with marinara or red sauce)
·         6 tablespoons of salsa
·         ½ cup of V8 juice
      *(Feed your face, 2008)

Tomatoes are actually four times easier for the body to absorb through your intestines when they are cooked and you’re probably going to need to pair your bowl of tomatoes or plate of pizza with a fat soluble. So, try pairing it with a drizzle of olive oil (mmm…) or have an avocado sprinkled with kosher salt (shh… I know. But it taste so good!)

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