Friday, 30 November 2012

All The Things a Man Should Do: Keeping your partner relaxed...

If you're a real man you know you have to keep your woman entertained and excited and if you're a real man, you know woman love massages... So how about creating an oil blend just for the two of you, created by you? To all woman, you're not off the hook!

Olive or

almond or coconut oil
Castor oil (available at most pharmacies)
Essential oils of your choice (lavender or sweet orange essential oil)
*Buy from any health food store
Glass or stainless steel bottle container (to prevent leaching of phthalates from plastic)

How to:
Blend the carrier oil (that’s your olive or almond or coconut oil) with the castor oil in a ratio of 9:1. In other words, 9 parts carrier oil and one part castor oil.

* Ie.9 - ¼ cups Olive oil to 1- ¼ cup of castor oil... Just an example!

Add a few drops of essential oil. Lavender and sweet orange for some reason smell like orange chocolate! Do a ratio of 5 drops Lavender to 1 drop sweet orange or vice versa. Shake gently to combine and let stand overnight. It takes about 12 hours for the fragrance to stabilize, so don’t worry if it smells less than sophisticated when you first mix it. Good luck! Even though I don’t think you’ll need it ;).

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