Friday, 2 November 2012

Dandruff Relief Now!

There are two different types of dandruff:

1.Simple Dandruff: Where small particles of dry skin flake off the scalp and get trapped  in the hair.

2.Seborrheic Dermatitis: Where over production of sebum causes excess secretion to get trapped in patches of skin on the scalp, which can get infected causing itching, scabbing and inflammation.

Dandruff can occur due to an overly dry or oily scalp condition. It can also be a sensitivity to hair and scalp products such as; color, perms, sprays, grease, conditioners etc. This may cause irritation due to fungal overgrowth, or even contributing to overproduction of the oil glands.Stress, trauma and illness can worsen dandruff and the best way to treat dandruff are by good nutrition and hygiene. It is normal to experience flaking, but if you are having a lot, your diet may be too rich in sugars, salt, dairy products and/ or fried foods.

Foods such as; boccoli and onions are both high in selenium which help to alleviate dandruff from within.

Yogurt or probiotics supplements: since dandruff has to do with an overgrowth of yeast the yogurt and especially probiotics will typically lower the overgrowth since that is what it is meant to do within your body.

Snacking: Maintaining your blood sugar with a health-friendly snack is very important for people suffering with dandruff. yeast actually starts to grow out of control when your blood sugar gets too high. For steady blood sugar and less yeast, choose foods low on the glycemic index and pairing your carbohydrates with proteins and healthy fats to slow the absorption of sugars into the body. For examample if you pair a whole wheat bagel with almond/peanut butter, your blood sugar will be less dramatic than if you eat the bagel by itself.

Shampoo: Try using Avenno Nourish + soothe, which contains lavender and peppermint to cool the scalp or you can upgrade to medicated shampoo that contains pyrithione to control yeast, such as head and shoulders or Nizoral A.D anti fungal shampoo. You can use regular conditioner and style as usual!

3 different ways you can Do-It-Yourself!

1. An old folk remedy is to combine fresh ginger juice with equal parts of cold-pressed coconut oil. Apply the mixture to your scalp before bed and shampoo it out in the morning. For black hair, I would suggest leaving it under a cap for 30mins-1 hour and then washing it out. It is also said that in Jamacia they rub aloe vera into their scalp until it disappears.

2. This could also be used as a deep conditioner that gets washed out thoroughly. Choose from these essential oils: basil, birch, cedarwood, geranium, juniper, rosemary, sage or tea tree oil. You can use one or a combinaton of 2 or more.

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon tea tree oil or of your choice

Combine and blend well. Massage into scalp before bed. Cover your head with a loose fitting shower cap.

3. Simply add 2 crushed aspirins in your normal everyday shampoo It will work quickly in clearing your scalp of dandruff and grime. Expensive dandruff shampoo's contain salicylic acid, which is present in aspirin, so it works the same way just the fraction of the price.



  1. Hey girl thanks so much for answering my question in such detail! I really appreciate it and i'm gna try option 2 n let you know how it goes =)

  2. You are very welcome. Please do :)


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