Friday, 28 September 2012

Baby Blues: Diaper Rash- Oatmeal Peppermint Bath

For the last two weeks my son has had this really bad diaper rash that has been getting worse and not getting any better. I try and do everything I can from changing his diaper more often, giving him baths, making him “air out” etc. But, I’ve realized that he’s not only breaking out on his bottom, he’s also getting rashes or small hives on his face and back. Being a mom and not being able to help your small child can be heart breaking. It was so bad that he couldn’t even sleep. So I had to think on my toes and fast! So I decided I was going to make him an oatmeal-peppermint bath. If you ever feel without any idea of what to do before you visit a doctor, try out these recipes!

P.S- After the bath I smeared Aloe Vera gel over his rashes, let dry and then used the baby powder. (ß Next post: Cornstarch baby powder)

Oatmeal- Peppermint Baby Bath
1/2 cup Organic whole rolled oats (grinded)
1 tablespoon Olive oil
3-4 drops Peppermint extract
Grind oats in a coffee grinder or blender. Add all other ingredients to the mixture and stir. Run water and make sure to break up any clumped pieces. Soak for 15 minutes and all done! This well help sooth any itching and keep him/her cooled. You can choose to moisturize their skin with light oil (i.e. olive oil) or let their skin breath

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