Friday, 28 September 2012

Chest and Back Acne

Chest and back acne is aggravated by large amounts of sweat and oil that sit on the body for long periods of time, without being washed. Actually, friction between your clothing and skin, especially if you wear athletic gear or a heavy backpack on your shoulders, can aggravate your skin and make this worse.

To prevent this you want to make sure to wash your back and chest thoroughly after you’ve shampooed and conditioned your hair. Sometimes the emollients from the products can clog up your pores and using fabric softener and harsh detergents could be some main culprits as well.

How to take care:
Make sure to wash your back and or chest with a natural or botanical cleanser, exfoliate (1-2 times a week) and use a lotion that contains salicylic or glycolic acid (the same ingredients in aspirin). When you exfoliate be sure to use a scrubbing sponge to rid of any dead skin.

Taking vitamin B6 can also help to fight off acne. Making sure you consume a well balanced diet of vitamin A, zinc and chromium from foods and drink plenty of water!
** Do not take vitamin A supplements they can become toxic. Ask your doctor before taking anything suggested.

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