Saturday, 11 August 2012

Date Night: Cleanser product making!

So, I'm actually proud to say that my husband has finally gone on the wagon of using natural products or at -least being open to them. Ladies, this is also a great date night if you want to try something new, exciting and even sexy. Subsequently, I thought it might be fun to try and make him some things he will use so that he can finally throw away those chemical filled products. There was actually one product that we made together that he has been raving about. Try it with your hubby and tell me how it goes!

We made the Aloe, cucumber and Tea Tree Cleanser (normal to oily skin).
I think I may have actually made this recipe a little stronger that supposed to because of substituting different ingredients for things I didn't have. Here is the recipe!

Aloe, cucumber and Tea Tree Cleanser (normal to oily skin)

3 ounces (90ml) of liquid Castile soap (store bought as Whole Foods)
1 ounce (29g) Aloe Vera gel
1/2 ounce (15ml) water
Quarter ounce (7.5ml) glycerine
1/2  ounce (15ml) witch hazel
1 drop rosemary
1 drop tea tree extract

Quatre ounce (7.5ml) cucumber juice*
1 cucumber
3 tablespoons water

Peel 1/2 cucumber and add three tablespoons of water. Puree in the blender and strain. Add the cucumber juice to the other ingredients and mix well. Place it in a container with a name and write down the date

This mixture should last anywhere from 2 to 3 months
Aloe vera gel & Glycerine: Helps with moisture, solubility and glide-off of the cleanser.
The other ingredients provide extra cleansing that the oily skin needs, without stripping the skin.
The cucumber is used for clarifying and tea tree extract is for the antibacterial properties.

Vitamin B: Fighting acne

If you really want to give acne a kicking in the rear end, vitamin B will be your best friend.

You're not going to believe it, the family of vitamin B's actually help to maintain healthy skin! I mean hello, if that's not clue enough for you to hoop in your car or on the bus right now... o.O. (I'll wait till you come back..) Defiency in vitamin B can result in some eauty woes such as, swelling of bodily tissue, chapped lips, high sensitivtiy to sunlight, dermatitis and acne.

There are many different types of vitamins B- like vitamin B6. This particular source of vitamin B is found in animal foods, whole grains, avocado and potatoes and ladies it may even help reduce acne associated with menstrual cycle.

With supplemented doses, vitamin B6 has been shown to reduce inflammatory acne.

Foods to eat (vitamin B6): Fortified breakfast cereals, salmon, tuna, pork, chicken, bananas, vegetables, peanut butter.

* Supplement doese of 50 milligrams once daily.

Vitamin B3 also known as Niacin can help improve blood flow to the skin and can be useful in managing acne.

Foods to eat: meat, poultry, dairy products, peanuts, almonds, seed, whole grains, enriched breakfast cereals and wheat bran.

Vitamin E and C: Fighting Acne

Didn't I tell you we'd be going through the alphabet? I bet you’re glad now you don't have to spend all day at Whole foods or even GMC.

* I am neither a doctor nor dietitian. Please consult your doctor before taking anything suggested

Now, what can vitamin E and C do for you and why is it important?

Vitamin E and C can actually boost the body’s immune system, which can help reduce the chances of infection. If you care to know, studies have actually shown that people who suffer from acne have a lower level of vitamin E in their blood.

Foods to eat (Vitamin E): found in vegetable oils, almonds, peanuts, soybeans, whole grains, and wheat germ, avocado and green leafy vegetables-especially kale. I actually made a blended kale and winter squash soup with a touch of natural salt... Amazing! Try it.

Foods to eat (Vitamin C): citrus fruit, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, broccoli, bell peppers, brussel sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes.

I can admit it can be difficult to obtain such large amounts of these food and nutrients by having a normal diet so supplements may be useful.

* I am neither a doctor nor dietitian. Please consult your doctor before taking anything suggested

Here's what to do. Take 500milligrams of vitamin C once or twice a day (daily). Take 200 to 400 international units (UI) of a natural source of Vitamin E once daily.

Take another deep breath, because vitamin B is next.

Vitamin A: Fighting acne

There are so many vitamins that are important for your health and your best source to get all these excellent vitamins are from food, those good old fruits and vegetables. But, what if you’re always on the go and are worried about getting everything you need? Well, then I guess you can pop your head inside a Health Food store and take a look, but I guarantee you'll be there for a very long time looking at everything from letters A-Z. So let me help you out so you won't have to go through all that trouble. First up!

* I am not a doctor or a registered dietian. Please consult your doctor before taking anything suggested.

Warning! Pregnant women must avoid vitamin A supplements since high doses can cause birth defects.

Vitamin A, how can it help your skin? Vitamin A can actually influence the activity of your sebaceous glands in a way that reduces oil production in your skin which helps reduce inflammation that contributes to acne. The average daily requirement is estimated to be about 70 micrograms.

Foods to eat: To meet your daily requirements reach for oily fish, milk, cheese and whole eggs. Also eat vegetables that are dark green and orange. This is converted to vitamin A in your body. *Look at my blog post ' Give your body an antioxidant boost' to find out which foods are rich in Beta Carotene.

Because formation of new skin is affected by vitamin a, in adequate levels affect the skin
Keep in mind though that study has actually shown that it is best to get your vitamin A from foods or in a multi-vitamin. Avoid taking a vitamin A supplement unless it is prescribed by your doctor, it can become very toxic.

Can you count how many times I said vitamin A?

Next post: Vitamin E and C

Summer time out- Blogging in!

Hello everyone! I've missed you all so very much. I mean I know I actually didn't make a 'formal' exit, but I did take some time off to sit back relax and take in some city air (not so nice). I have to say this summer has been a real experience for me. I didn't do much, but things have been thrown my way where I had to sit back and think about the things that I want for myself and my family. Summer is officially over for me and I intend to get my head back in the game of focus and determination. School opens in a couple of weeks and I'm ready for the task of waking up at 7:30a.m and making it there for 9:00a.m (pray for me).

It's not easy being a woman, then a young mom, and then a wife but sometimes you just have to roll up the socks, dust off your chest and start walking- a steady paced walk. We all have dreams. We all have goals. However, it's the ones that are persistent that will rise up and go somewhere. I want to be one of the very few testimonies to all the women and men who are doing bad all by themselves as an individual, that you can do it and while I’m working on becoming that testimony I would love all of your support. 

With that said, I would like to hear how your summer went or is going since it's not officially over. How are you going to try and be the greatest? Either at work, school, being a parent, being a spouse, being a business women or man. What are your goals for the end of 2012 going into 2013?  I can not wait to share some of my goals with you all. Have an awesome weekend everyone!

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